The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect across the European Union on 25th May 2018. The GDPR gives individuals more rights and protection in how their personal data is used by corporate organisations. The Anglican Church in Cyprus and the Gulf is deemed to be such an organisation. Personal data is deemed to be information relating to a living individual who can be identified directly from that data or indirectly by reference to other data held by an organisation. Within the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, the decision has been taken to comply with the guidelines issued by the Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England in 2017. This document seeks to define how the guidelines relating to GDPR will be applied in The Anglican Church of Paphos. The Parish must have a primary Data Controller. In the Anglican Church of Paphos, this role is currently taken on by the Electoral Roll Officer, Dex Perrett. He can be contacted at [email protected]. Members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC), as a whole, are deemed to be Data Controllers due to their access to data that is held by the Parish relating to individuals. The Parish priest is also a separate data controller because the Incumbent and the PCC are defined as separate entities. There are five underlying principles relating to the protection of data held by the Parish:
Data will be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently. Processing is anything done with/to personal data, including storing it. Any stored data must be held securely by the Parish Data Controllers.
Data will only be used for a specific processing purpose that the data subject (the person about whom personal data are processed) has been made aware of and no other purpose without further consent.
Data collected on a data subject should be adequate, relevant and limited, i.e. only the minimum amount of data should be kept for specific processing.
Data held by the Parish must be accurate and where necessary kept up to date.
Data should not be stored for longer than is necessary and that storage is safe and secure. For the Anglican Church of Paphos, data will be stored securely, primarily in the Church Office at Kato Paphos.
There are several legal bases for processing data within the Parish, of which the most important is the consent of the data subject for their data to be stored. Other bases include legal obligation (such as processing Gift Aid where appropriate), contractual (e.g. the use of either St Stephen’s or St Luke’s by outside groups), or legitimate interest (routine Church management involving rotas, lists of group members etc). For each area of data processing, there must be a clear need for carrying out that processing. The Anglican Church of Paphos will obtain and securely store consent forms from people for data processing. Such consent will include positive action by people so that they must opt in for data processing, as opposed to data being processed based on the assumption of consent. This positive consent must be obtained before any data processing relating to individuals may be carried out. Data subjects have a number of rights relating to the processing of their personal data. These rights include (but are not limited to): knowing how personal data is used by the Data Controllers; knowing exactly what data is held about them; correcting any errors with data held and, generally, the right, if individuals so wish, to ‘be forgotten’ (i.e. to have any and all data held, to be removed from Parish records). The PCC will make provision for anyone to exercise all these rights in relation to their personal data held by The Anglican Church of Paphos. The Anglican Church of Paphos’ Parish primary Data Controller will, where necessary, provide evidence of accountability. For example, where data is processed on the basis of consent, the primary Data Controller must store these written consents securely. Each individual consent is for a specific purpose, therefore the primary Data Controller will record separate consents to cover different areas of data processing within the life of the Church. Where data processing reveals religious belief, it becomes a specific category of data. In this context, belief cannot be assumed simply because someone attends Church or Church events, becomes a friend of the Church or donates money to the Church. Where someone is required to have affirmed belief (e.g. for processing onto the Electoral Roll) then this could be argued to reveal definite religious belief. Periodically, the primary Data Controller, in conjunction with the PCC, will conduct an audit of data held on individuals: to review the continuing need to hold such data; to review data storage and to identify the basis that the Parish has for data storage. A Data Privacy Notice is to be displayed by The Anglican Church of Paphos in each of the three churches and on the church website. The format for this Notice forms part of this policy document. It should be noted that some data processing may not require specific consent, if such data is part of the normal management of the Church, e.g. lists of members of various groups. In this instance, it must be kept in mind that it is important that the right of an individual to have such data removed from Parish records remains paramount.
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