Pastoral Care Team
The Team officially consists of a number of church members, who meet regularly on the 4th Wednesday of the month to review the list of church contacts requiring assistance of any sort.
We are blessed in having many other people within our congregation, who give unstintingly of their time, to care for neighbours and friends. This helps to spread the load, and we are very appreciative of all that they do, for the church family, as well as the wider community.
We have an invaluable list of resources for Disabled Support in Cyprus, which is constantly being reviewed and up-dated. We also have a limited stock of disability aids stored at St Stephen’s which includes a lightweight wheelchair. Equipment can be issued on a short-term loan basis at the discretion of the Pastoral Care Coordinator. Donations of surplus good-quality disability equipment are always welcome.
On average we have about twenty people requiring pastoral care and we keep in touch with them regularly, either by telephoning or visiting. Their needs are varied and variable, but all are most appreciative of the attention that they receive. Occasionally our care extends to holidaymakers, if they are unfortunate enough to find themselves in difficulties, while staying in the Paphos area. The parable of the Good Samaritan provides us with an example which cannot be ignored.
For further information Click HERE to email Judith Perrett or telephone her on 97682150
We are blessed in having many other people within our congregation, who give unstintingly of their time, to care for neighbours and friends. This helps to spread the load, and we are very appreciative of all that they do, for the church family, as well as the wider community.
We have an invaluable list of resources for Disabled Support in Cyprus, which is constantly being reviewed and up-dated. We also have a limited stock of disability aids stored at St Stephen’s which includes a lightweight wheelchair. Equipment can be issued on a short-term loan basis at the discretion of the Pastoral Care Coordinator. Donations of surplus good-quality disability equipment are always welcome.
On average we have about twenty people requiring pastoral care and we keep in touch with them regularly, either by telephoning or visiting. Their needs are varied and variable, but all are most appreciative of the attention that they receive. Occasionally our care extends to holidaymakers, if they are unfortunate enough to find themselves in difficulties, while staying in the Paphos area. The parable of the Good Samaritan provides us with an example which cannot be ignored.
For further information Click HERE to email Judith Perrett or telephone her on 97682150