For a bit of fun for the Advent Season I’ve put together an online Advent Calendar for 2024. You just need to click on the box each day and enjoy an Advent word of wisdom!
Advent Calendar 2024
On 30 November the church remembers Saint Andrew – known as the Patron Saint of Scotland. He is also Patron Saint of Russia, Sicily, Greece, Romania, Amalfi, and Malta. He is also the Patron Saint of Army Rangers, Mariners, Fishermen, Fishmongers, Rope-makers, Singers, Sore throats, Spinsters, and women wishing to become mothers.
Saint Andrew’s Day From September 2024 we begin a new bi-weekly Wednesday afternoon Bible Study for the Anglican Church of Paphos at Saint Stephen’s, Tala. This will include worship, teaching and group discussion.
The Marks Of A Model Church On 25 November 1654, Blaise Pascal – one of the greatest mathematicians, physicists and engineers of all time, inventor of the calculator and designer of the Parisian bus route – experienced his ‘Night of Fire’; a profound spiritual encounter that totally transformed his life.
Blaise Pascal Revd Christine Mbona from Saint Paul’s, Kuwait has set up a branch of the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese. More information can be found on the Diocesan website here
You can also read this article I wrote about the MU on my website. The Mothers’ Union In Revelation 4:11 we read: You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being.
What does it mean to Worship God in Spirit and Truth? On 19 November, the church remembers Hilda, Apostle of Charity, teacher, administrator and advisor, spiritual director, reformer, abbess, 614-680. Hilda is also known as one of the patron saints of learning and culture, including poetry. But who was Hilda of Whitby?
Saint Hilda of Whitby On 13 November the Church remembers, and gives thanks to God for, the life and ministry of Charles Simeon, priest, evangelical divine, 1759 – 1836. But who was Charles Simeon?
Charles Simeon On 11 November the church remembers Martin of Tours, patron Saint of soldier’s and bishop, c. 397. But who was Martin of Tours?
Saint Martin of Tours This article gives some helpful advice (as well as resources) as to how Christians can pray, and prepare for, COP29: UN Climate Conference 2024.
COP29: UN Climate Conference 2024 On 6 November the Church remembers William Temple, Archbishop, teacher of the faith, 1881 – 1944. But who was William Temple?
William Temple He stands with pride
As well he might Medals upon his chest With memories of the fallen Who now are laid to rest The Legion Man Today is All Saints Day. The Book of Common Prayer calls saints, “the lights of the world in every generation”– people whose lives and deeds have shone brightly and helped others more closely follow Jesus. ‘The saints’ is a term that, in English Bibles, is a translation of ‘holy ones’ and so on All Saints Day we pray that we may follow their example in godly life.
A Prayer for All Saints Day |
Articles of Interest
Articles and information that I have found interesting and /or useful and I hope you will too.
January 2025
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