The Bible tells us that God so loved the world that he gave his only Son for us. God gave himself to you so you would have your sins forgiven, a purpose for living, and a home in heaven.
Acts 15:11 says, “We are saved because the Master Jesus amazingly and out of sheer generosity moved to save us” (The Message). God wants us to become generous, not just once a year, but for our entire lives. And being generous isn’t easy because we live in a very materialistic, self-centred world. Six Reasons to Develop the Habit of Generosity
On 14 June the Church of England remembers Puritan Divine, Richard Baxter, known for his book ‘The Reformed Pastor’ first published in 1656 (I have a copy!).
But who was Richard Baxter? Richard Baxter On 11 June, the Church remembers Saint Barnabas. We’re familiar with the 12 apostles of Jesus in the Bible, as well as with Saul, later renamed Paul and responsible for writing most of the books in the New Testament. But there are other great men and women of faith also mentioned throughout Scripture, and one of them, Barnabas, was highly influential when it came to sharing the gospel.
But who was Barnabas in the Bible, and what can we learn from him? Saint Barnabas Some people often ask if there anything distinctive about how Christians cast their vote. If there is, it is probably that we vote not seeking what is best for us; but what is best for our neighbour; what is best for our community; what is best for the nation as a whole; and what is best for our world. It is what Christians call working for the ‘common good.’
General Election 2024 The Battle of Normandy, also known as D-Day, began on 6 June 1944, and resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the battle began when some 156,000 Allied soldiers, transported by 7,000 naval vessels, went ashore on five beaches along a 50 mile stretch of a heavily fortified French coastline. They were protected by thousands of aircraft who carried out more than 14,000 sorties, bombing targets and dropping or landing some 24,000 airborne personnel behind enemy lines.
D-Day: 80th Anniversary |
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